10/100 Fast Ethernet
Audio Internet Camera
This product can be set up
using Internet Explorer 6.x
or above
You must have at least the following:
• Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
• ACD-ROMdrive
• An available Ethernet connection
Check Your Package Contents
These are the items included with your purchase:
If any of the below items are missing, please contact your reseller.
DCS-2100 Internet Camera with Stand
CD-ROM with Manual and Installation Wizard
CAT5 Ethernet Cable
Using a power supply
with a different voltage
rating will damage this
product and void the warranty.
5V AC Power Adapter
©2004 D-Link Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of
their respective holders. Software and specifications subject to change without notice. DCS-2100.11182004
Installing the Installation Wizard
Insert the DCS-2100 CD into the
CD-ROM drive.
Click on Install Software
Click on Installation Wizard
Click Next
Installing the Installation Wizard
Click Next
Click Next
Click Finish
Configuring Your Camera with the
Installation Wizard
Double click on the Installation
Wizard that was created on
your desktop.
The software will search for cameras.
The Installation Wizard will appear
and show the MAC address of the
DCS-2100 and an IP Address. If
you have a DHCP* server on your
network, there will be a valid IP
Address displayed here, indicated
by a “Yes” under the assigned
*A DHCP server is a device that
supplies IP Addresses to its
clients that are on the same
Configuring Your Camera with the
Installation Wizard (continued)
If the Installation Wizard does not
detect any devices, you will need to
reset the camera. Press down on the
reset button on the back panel of the
camera for 2 cycles (the LED will flash
green continuously and stop twice). Let
go when the LED starts to flash the
second time.
Click Search to refresh the
list of cameras if needed.
Once the camera appears,
select the camera by placing
a check mark in the box.
Configuring Your Camera with the
Installation Wizard (continued)
Click the Setup button
Enter an administrative password
in the Root password and Confirm
password fields.
Click the Next button
For details on the Date/Time
Settings, please refer to the User
Manual on the CD-ROM.
Configuring Your Camera with the
Installation Wizard (continued)
Uncheck the box labeled
Reset IP address at next boot
Click the Next button
If you need to modify the IP
settings, please refer to the user
manual on the CD-ROM.
Click the Apply button
Configuring Your Camera with the
Installation Wizard (continued)
After the settings have been saved,
the Done button will appear.
Click the Done button
Click the button labeled
Link to Selected Device(s)
Viewing Your Internet Camera
After you click the button
labeled Link to Device(s), the
Installation Wizard will
automatically open your Web
browser to the IP address of the
DCS-2100, in this example it is:
DCS-2100 may have a different
The installation and configuration of the
DCS-2100 Internet Camera is now complete.
Technical Support
You can find software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website.
D-Link provides free technical support for customers within the United States and
within Canada for the duration of the warranty period on this product.
U.S. and Canadian customers can contact D-Link Technical Support through our
website, or by phone.
Tech Support for customers within the United States:
D-Link Technical Support over the Telephone:
(877) 453-5465
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
D-Link Technical Support over the Internet:
Tech Support for customers within Canada:
D-Link Technical Support over the Telephone:
(800) 361-5265
Monday to Friday 7:30am to 12:00am EST
D-Link Technical Support over the Internet:
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