Quick Start Guide
HP 83480A Digital Communications
HP 54750A Digitizing Oscilloscope
What You’ll Find in This Book
What You’ll Find in This Book
This book gives you a quick introduction to the instrument. It is not intended
as a comprehensive guide, but rather as a starting point to start using the
instrument quickly. This book is divided into three sections:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
provides a description of the instrument and a quick tour of
the front panel in a descriptive format, with examples that
help to illustrate the text.
provides several tutorials that show how to get up and
running, how to scale a waveform vertically or horizontally,
and how to use the Help menu.
provides a few simple hints in case you are experiencing
difficulty in either getting the mainframe or plug-in module
to perform properly.
To best meet your learning needs, you can use this book in one of two ways:
1 Read “A Quick Tour of the Front Panel” on page 1-4 before performing the
2 Go straight to the exercises. This method is for users who prefer to learn how
to use the front panel by experimenting with the front-panel controls.
If you are already familiar with the information in this book, you can refer to
the HP 83480A, HP 54750A User’s Guide, which shows you how to use the
instrument to make many common measurements. It assumes you have
already learned how to use the front panel of the instrument, by first reading
this quick start guide.
All calibration and repair information is contained in the optional HP 83480A,
HP 54750A Service Guide, while all programming information is contained in
the HP 83480A, HP 54750A Programmer’s Guide.
General Safety Considerations
General Safety Considerations
This product has been designed and tested in accordance with IEC Publica-
tion 1010, Safety Requirements for Electronic Measuring Apparatus, and has
been supplied in a safe condition. The instruction documentation contains
information and warnings which must be followed by the user to ensure safe
operation and to maintain the product in a safe condition.
There are many points in the instrument which can, if contacted, cause
personal injury. Be extremely careful. Any adjustments or service
procedures that require operation of the instrument with protective
covers removed should be performed only by trained service
If this instrument is not used as specified, the protection provided by
the equipment could be impaired. This instrument must be used in a
normal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only.
There are many points in the system which can, if contacted, cause
personal injury. Be extremely careful. Any adjustments or service
procedures that require operation of the system with protective
covers removed should be performed only by Hewlett-Packard
qualified Hewlett-Packard personnel. To prevent electrical shock, do
not remove covers.
Before this instrument is switched on, make sure its primary power circuitry
has been adapted to the voltage of the ac power source. Failure to set the ac
power input to the correct voltage could cause damage to the instrument when
the ac power cable is plugged in.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) on or near input connectors can damage circuits
inside the instrument. Repair of damage due to misuse is not covered under
warranty. Before connecting any cable to the electrical input, momentarily
short the center and outer conductors of the cable together. Personnel should
be properly grounded, and should touch the frame of the instrument before
touching any connector.
1 Introducing the Instrument
2 Operating the Instrument
Exercise 2. Turning On the Instrument 2-6
Exercise 7. Using the Help Menu 2-18
3 In Case of Difficulty
In Case of Difficulty 3-2
If the Mainframe Does Not Operate 3-4
If the Plug-in Does Not Operate 3-5
Introducing the Instrument
The HP 83480A, HP 54750A—At a Glance
The HP 83480A, HP 54750A—At a Glance
The HP 83480A-series digital communications analyzers or HP 54750A-series
digitizing oscilloscopes are modular, high-performance mainframes that con-
tain digitizers, timebases, and display circuitry behind vertical channel plug-in
modules containing samplers, IF amplifiers, power monitoring circuitry and
O/E converter (HP 83485A).
The HP 83480A-series digital communications analyzers include these unique
• A full range of custom and standard telecom and datacom masks and tem-
plates with automated conformance and margin testing.
• Automated extinction-ratio and q-factor measurements.
• The ability to set the timebase display to bit period, select the appropriate
telecom bit rate, and enter the number of bits to be displayed.
If you wish to add these capabilities to an HP 54750A-series digitizing oscillo-
scope, or use the HP 83485A optical plug-in module, a firmware upgrade must
first be installed. Order the HP 83480K communications firmware kit and fol-
low the installation instructions.
The HP 83480A and HP 54750A mainframes do not accept plug-in modules designed for
use with the HP 54710A and HP 54720A.
The instrument also has software modularity by having a 3-1/2 inch disk drive
and flash ROMs to allow for simple firmware upgrades of the firmware fea-
The plug-in modules provide optical and electrical signal conditioning for the
A/D converters that are inside the mainframe.
Introducing the Instrument
The HP 83480A, HP 54750A—At a Glance
Entry devices 1-4
Disk drive 1-4
CAL signal 1-4
Hardkeys 1-5
Display 1-5
Softkeys 1-6
Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published speci-
fications at the time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett-Packard further
certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States
National Institute of Standards and Technology, to the extent allowed by the
Institute’s calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other Interna-
tional Standards Organization members.
Introducing the Instrument
A Quick Tour of the Front Panel
A Quick Tour of the Front Panel
This section describes how to use the front panel. This information will help
you gain the full use of your instrument in the shortest possible time. This sec-
tion divides the front panel into the following areas:
• Entry devices
• Disk drive
• CAL signal
• Hardkeys
• Display
• Softkeys
Entry devices
Disk drive
The entry devices include the knob, arrow keys, and keypad. The knob pro-
vides continuous control, while the arrow keys are step controls. The keypad
allows you to enter specific values.
The disk drive is a 3-1/2 inch, high-density, MS-DOS® compatible drive. You
can use the disk drive for loading applications, storing and loading waveforms,
storing and loading instrument setups, printing waveforms to a file, or loading
new system firmware.
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
CAL signal
The CAL signal is a dc voltage level used during the calibration routines. It is
internally generated and only activated during calibration routines. It can be
controlled by the user by pressing:
Utility, Calibrate
Introducing the Instrument
A Quick Tour of the Front Panel
The two types of hardkeys are instant action and menu. Clear display and Run
are examples of instant action keys because as soon as you press them, the
instrument changes operating states. Time base and Trigger are examples of
menu keys. Pressing them causes softkey menus to come up on the right side
of the display.
Figure 1-1. The front panel of the instrument
Figure 1-2 shows the main areas of the display, and how you can interpret
some of the instrument’s settings from the display.
Introducing the Instrument
A Quick Tour of the Front Panel
Figure 1-2. The instrument display
The softkeys are to the right of the display, and instead of placing a label on
the softkey itself, the label is actually located on the display next to the soft-
key. These labels on the display are called menus, and the menu being dis-
played depends on which key has been pressed. For example, pressing Time
base brings up the Time Base menu, while pressing Trigger brings up the Trigger
type of softkey operates. The five types of softkeys are toggle, menu, continu-
ous, list, and single choice. Because the Trigger menu contains all five types of
softkeys, it is used over the next few pages to demonstrate the differences
among the softkeys.
When you press the Trigger key, the Trigger softkey menu comes up on the
right side of the display as shown in Figure 1-3.
Toggle softkeys
A typical example of the toggle softkeys is Sweep. A toggle softkey allows you
to choose between two or more selections, and you change selections by
pressing that same softkey. Sweep has choices of either triggered or freerun.
Introducing the Instrument
A Quick Tour of the Front Panel
The highlighted choice is the selection that is currently active. In Figure 1-3,
triggered is highlighted, which indicates that the instrument is set to triggered
Figure 1-3. Toggle softkey selection
Menu softkeys
A typical example of the menu softkeys is External Scale... (refer to Figure 1-3
on page 1-7). The ellipses after the word "scale" indicate that when you press
this softkey, a new softkey menu comes up on the display that allows you to
make several additional choices (refer to Figure 1-4). To exit this menu, sim-
ply press the Done softkey. The display returns to the previous menu.
Introducing the Instrument
A Quick Tour of the Front Panel
Because the Trigger menu only has one of this type of softkey, it is active when
the menu comes up on the display. You do not need to press the Level softkey
when you want to change the trigger level. However, the Time base menu has
at least two of this type of softkey, Bit Rate (HP 83480A only) and Scale and
Position. In this case, only one of the softkeys is active at a time. To make the
other softkey active, you must press the corresponding softkey. You can tell
which softkey is currently active because it has a different colored background
from the rest of the softkeys.
When using time base scale or channel scale, the knob and arrow keys operate
in two modes. One mode is a 1-2-5 sequence, while the other mode is a fine
mode that allows you to make smaller incremental changes. You activate the
fine mode by pressing Shift on the keypad, followed by pressing the arrow key
with the word Finewritten in blue above that key. When the fine mode is
active, you will see the word Fineat the top-right corner of the graticule area.
You get out of the Fine mode by simply pressing Shift on the keypad, followed
by pressing the arrow key with the word Finewritten above it.
List softkeys
A typical example of the list softkeys is Hysteresis. It has several stacked rect-
angles that represents a list of choices you can choose from. The top rectangle
shows the selection that is currently active. In the example below, normal is
the current selection.
Figure 1-6. List softkey selection
Introducing the Instrument
A Quick Tour of the Front Panel
You change selections by pressing the Hysteresis softkey, which brings up a sec-
ond level softkey menu on the display. Then, you use the softkeys, arrow keys,
or knob to change selections. To activate that selection, press the Enter softkey,
then the display returns to the previous softkey menu. If you press the Cancel
softkey, the instrument returns to the previous selection.
Single choice softkeys
A typical example of the single choice softkeys is Enter. There are several varia-
tions of this type of softkey throughout the many softkey menus. When you
press the softkey, the instrument executes that softkey command.
Figure 1-7. Single choice softkey selection
Operating the Instrument
Operating the Instrument
Operating the Instrument
This chapter contains several exercises that will familiarize you with the oper-
ation of the instrument.
Exercises 1–3
show how to get the instrument up and running.
Exercises 4 and 5 demonstrate the vertical, horizontal, and trigger menus by
having you display a signal and then use the channel and
time base menus to expand the signal.
Exercise 6
shows you how to use the markers and automatic
amplitude measurement.
Exercise 7
introduces you to the Help menu.
You will find it easier to perform these exercises if you are at least a little
familiar with how to use the front panel. The best way to learn how to use the
front panel is to read Chapter 1, “Introducing the Instrument”.
Clean the cabinet using a damp cloth only.
Operating the Instrument
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 2. Turning On the Instrument 2-6
Exercise 3. Connecting a Signal 2-7
Exercise 4. Finding the Signal 2-8
Exercise 5. Modifying the Setup 2-9
Exercise 6. Making Measurements on the Signal 2-14
Exercise 7. Using the Help Menu 2-18
Operating the Instrument
Equipment Used in These Exercises
Equipment Used in These Exercises
All of the pictures of the display in this book were generated using an
HP 83480A with an HP 83483A, 54751A electrical plug-in module, and the sig-
nal from the HP 8133A pulse generator. If you are using a different plug-in
module or signal source, your display and instrument settings may vary from
the pictures in this book.
With the HP 83480A, the HP 83485A optical/electrical plug-in module could
also have been used. In this case, we would connect the signal to the electrical
input of the HP 83485A.
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 1. Installing a Plug-in Module
Exercise 1. Installing a Plug-in Module
The purpose of a plug-in module is to provide measurement channels, includ-
ing sampling for the mainframe. A plug-in module scales the input signal, sets
the bandwidth of the system, and allows the offset to be adjusted so the signal
can be viewed. The output of the plug-in module is an analog signal that is
applied to the A/D converters inside the mainframe.
1 Slide the plug-in module into either slots 1 and 2 or slots 3 and 4.
The plug-in module will not operate if plugged into slots 2 and 3.
If the mainframe is already turned on, you do not need to turn it off before you
install or remove a plug-in module. After a plug-in module is installed, the
mainframe identifies the plug-in module and the slot in which it is installed.
In the examples to follow, it is assumed the HP 83483A or HP 54751A plug-in module is
resident in slots 1 and 2 of the mainframe.
2 Finger-tighten the knurled screw at the bottom of the plug-in module.
The RF connectors on the rear panel of the plug-in module are spring-loaded.
Finger-tighten the knurled screw to ensure there is a good ground connection
between the plug-in module and the mainframe.
3 To remove the module loosen the knurled screws and then pull on the screws
to take out the module. Do not pull on the cables or connectors.
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 2. Turning On the Instrument
Exercise 2. Turning On the Instrument
1 Set the line-voltage switch on the rear panel to the correct voltage selection for
your power source.
2 Connect a power cord from a power source to the rear-panel connector of the
3 Set the rear-panel line switch to the ON position.
When the mainframe is set to the 115 VAC mode, use the supplied power cord.
If you use an alternate power cord that cannot handle the power requirements
of the instrument, the power cord may become warm or the instrument may
not operate.
4 Set the front-panel power switch to ON.
After a few seconds, you will see a graticule on the display and a softkey menu
on the right side of the display. If the display is blank or if the message,
Power-On Test Failed, appears at the top of the display, refer to
Chapter 3, “In Case of Difficulty” or to the optional HP 83480A, HP 54750A
Service Guide.
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 3. Connecting a Signal
Exercise 3. Connecting a Signal
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) on or near input connectors can damage circuits
inside the instrument. Repair of damage due to misuse is not covered under
warranty. Before connecting any cable to the electrical input, momentarily
short the center and outer conductors of the cable together. Personnel should
be properly grounded, and should touch the frame of the instrument before
touching any connector. For more information regarding ESD, refer to the
HP 83480A, HP 54750A User’s Guide.
1 Using the HP 8133A pulse generator (or equivalent), set a trigger and square
wave signal to the following:
Trigger level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 mV (do not exceed 2 Vp-p)
Pulse level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 mV (do not exceed 2 Vp-p)
Pulse frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50MHz
Cables can build up high voltage levels that can discharge into the channel or
trigger inputs and cause damage. Cables should be discharged using a short or
a 50Ω terminator prior to connection.
2 Make sure the trigger and pulse signals are enabled.
3 Connect the trigger to the trigger input (channel 2) on the HP 83483A, 54751A
electrical plug-in module.
4 Connect the pulse signal to the electrical input (channel 1) on the HP 83483A,
54751A electrical plug-in module.
5 Display the Setup menu (on the HP 83480A, HP 54750A) and select the default
setup by pressing:
Setup, Default setup
The default setup puts the instrument in a predefined operating condition. This
gives you a known starting point for the following exercises. The default condi-
tions are listed in the setup section of the HP 83480A, HP 54750A User’s
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 4. Finding the Signal
Exercise 4. Finding the Signal
The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate the Autoscale function. The
Autoscale function can be used to automatically set up the display for most
input signals.
To activate the Autoscale function, press Autoscale. A screen similar to
Figure 2-1 will be displayed.
When the Autoscale function is enabled, the instrument quickly analyzes the
signal and sets up the vertical, horizontal, and trigger to optimize the display
of the signal. Autoscale can find repetitive signals with:
• a frequency greater than or equal to 50 Hz
• a duty cycle greater than 1%
• an amplitude greater than 50 mV p-p
Figure 2-1. Signal displayed using the Autoscale function
If you unintentionally press the Autoscale key or wish to disable the Autoscale
function, press Shift, Undo Autoscale. The instrument is reset to the settings that
existed just prior to pressing the Autoscale key.
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 5. Modifying the Setup
Exercise 5. Modifying the Setup
The purpose of this exercise is to show you the Channel and Time Base
Changing the vertical scale
1 To display the Channel menu and change the vertical scaling, press:
Channel (located on the plug-in module), Scale
Change the scaling so the vertical height of the signal is about eight divisions,
using the knob, arrow keys or keypad.
Selecting Fine mode
When the knob and arrow keys are not in the Fine mode, they change the scal-
ing in a 1-2-5 sequence. You can change the scaling in 1 mV increments by
using the keypad, or by setting the knob and arrow keys to the Fine mode.
2 To set the instrument to the Fine mode, press:
Shift, Fine
The word FINEappears at the top-right corner of the display area when the
fine mode is activated.
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 5. Modifying the Setup
Using the keypad
When using the HP 83483A, 54751A electrical plug-in module, the knob or
arrow key changes the scaling from 50 mV/div to 100 mV/div, in one step. At
50 mV/div the signal is clipped, and at 100 mV/div the signal is not expanded
to take advantage of the full vertical size of the display. In this case, you can
use the keypad to set the scaling to 75 mV/div.
3 To set the scaling to 75 mV with the keypad, type the number 75 on the keypad.
Then press milli, for millivolts, to select the unit of measure.
When you select a key with a unit of measure written on it, you do not need to
press the Enter key. You only press the Enter key if you are entering numbers
that do not require a unit of measure or that are in volts or seconds. Depend-
ing on the value you enter with the keypad, the instrument may round the
value up or down. For example, if you try to enter 75.75 mV/div, the instru-
ment will automatically round the entry to 75.8 mV/div.
Setting the offset
Offset is similar to the vertical position on analog instruments, except offset is
calibrated. If offset is set to –10 mV, then you know the vertical center of the
display is –10 mV. (For optical channels, offset is referenced two divisions
above the bottom of the display.)
4 To move the waveform vertically on the display, press:
Readjust the scaling and offset until the signal is expanded vertically and is cen-
tered on the display as shown in Figure 2-2.
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 5. Modifying the Setup
Figure 2-2. Signal vertical display
NOTE — HP 83480A only
You can automatically adjust the vertical scale, instead of following the preceding proce-
dure by pressing:
Channel, Channel autoscale
The amplitude scale is optimized for the input signal while the timebase settings are left
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 5. Modifying the Setup
Changing the time base
5 To display the Time Base menu and change the horizontal scale, press:
Time base, Scale
Use the knob, arrow keys or keypad to change the scaling so the horizontal
width of the positive portion of the signal is about eight divisions.
Using the keypad
6 When the knob and arrow keys are not in the Fine mode, they operate in a
1-2-5 sequence, changing the scale from 5 ns/div to 2 ns/div in one large step.
You can use Fine mode so the knob and arrow keys adjust in smaller
increments, or you can use the keypad to enter a smaller value, like 1.4 ns/div.
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 5. Modifying the Setup
Using the Position function
7 To horizontally center the signal on the display, press:
The Position function moves the waveform horizontally on the display. (Posi-
tion is sometimes referred to as delay.) The reference point is indicated by an
arrow at the bottom of the display as shown in Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3. Signal horizontal display
Setting the reference
8 To set the reference to the left or center of the graticule area, press:
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 6. Making Measurements on the Signal
Exercise 6. Making Measurements on the Signal
The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the Marker menu and
the automatic measurement features of the instrument. You will begin by
using the manual markers to make a pulse width and an amplitude measure-
ment on channel 1. After that, you will make the same measurements using
the automatic measurement features. There are many additional features built
into the instrument. Refer to the HP 83480A, HP 54750A User’s Guide for
more information on making automatic measurements.
Selecting the manual marker mode
1 To select the manual marker mode, press:
Marker, mode, manual, Enter
Change the mode selection by using the knob, arrow keys, or softkeys.
Setting the X, Y source
In the manual marker mode, there are two X-markers and two Y-markers. You
can position the X-markers horizontally and the Y-markers vertically on the
display. Use the X-markers to make timing measurements and the Y-markers
to make amplitude measurements.
2 To set the X1, Y1 Source to channel 1, press:
X1, Y1 Source, channel 1, Enter
3 To set the X2, Y2 Source to channel 1, press:
X2, Y2 Source, channel 1, Enter
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 6. Making Measurements on the Signal
Positioning the markers
4 To position the X1 marker, press:
X1 Position
Set the X1 marker to the left edge of the pulse.
5 To position the X2 marker, press:
X2 Position
Set the X2 marker to the right edge of the pulse.
6 To position the Y1 marker, press:
Y1 Position
Set the Y1 marker to the bottom of the pulse.
7 To position the Y2 marker, press:
Y2 Position
Set the Y2 marker to the top of the pulse.
The display will be similar to Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4. Signal custom measurements
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 6. Making Measurements on the Signal
Notice the ∆X and ∆Y at the bottom of the display. The ∆X value is the width
measurement, and the ∆Y value is the amplitude measurement. The markers
allow you to make custom measurements on signals. Remember, they are not
tied directly to the waveform data stored in memory, they are just positions on
the display.
Making an automatic +width measurement
8 To make an automatic +width measurement on channel 1, press:
Shift, +width, channel 1, Enter
The automatic measurement results are displayed at the bottom left of the
Making an automatic amplitude measurement
9 To make an automatic amplitude measurement on channel 1, press:
Shift, V amptd, channel 1, Enter
The IEEE pulse parameter standards are used for all of the automatic measure-
ments, unless changes are made in the define measurement menu.
Automatic measurements are preferred because they are faster and more
repeatable than manual marker measurements. Automatic measurements use
the waveform data stored in memory for all calculations, and the waveform
data in memory has a higher resolution than the resolution of the display. The
manual markers are not tied to the waveform data in memory, they are just
positions on the display.
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 6. Making Measurements on the Signal
The automatic measurement results are placed on the display where the verti-
cal scale and offset values are normally displayed as shown in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5. Signal automatic measurements
Displaying the scale and offset values
10 To redisplay the vertical scale and offset values, press:
Shift, Clr meas
The automatic measurement results are replaced by the vertical scale and off-
set values.
Operating the Instrument
Exercise 7. Using the Help Menu
Exercise 7. Using the Help Menu
To display the Help menu, press Help. A screen similar to Figure 2-6 is dis-
Figure 2-6. The instrument Help menu
A three-column index appears on the display. The left column lists the fea-
tures of the instrument, the middle column lists the front-panel key, and (if
needed) the right column lists the softkey you press to find that feature. You
can use either the knob or arrow keys to scroll through the Help menu.
In Case of Difficulty
In Case of Difficulty
In Case of Difficulty
This chapter provides suggestions for you to follow if the mainframe or plug-in
module fails to operate. For a complete listing of display messages, refer to the
HP 83480A, HP 54750A User’s Guide.
For complete service information, refer to the optional HP 83480A,
HP 54750A Service Guide.
Review the procedure being performed when the problem occurred. A few
minutes spent performing some simple checks, before calling Hewlett-Packard
or returning the unit for service, may save waiting for your instrument to be
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) on or near input connectors can damage circuits
inside the instrument. Repair of damage due to misuse is not covered under
warranty. Before connecting any cable to the electrical input, momentarily
short the center and outer conductors of the cable together. Personnel should
be properly grounded, and should touch the frame of the instrument before
touching any connector. Refer to the HP 83480A, HP 54750A User’s Guide for
further information regarding ESD.
In Case of Difficulty
In Case of Difficulty
What you’ll find in this chapter
If the Mainframe Does Not Operate 3-4
If the Plug-in Does Not Operate 3-5
In Case of Difficulty
If the Mainframe Does Not Operate
If the Mainframe Does Not Operate
If the mainframe does not operate, check the following:
1 Is the line fuse good?
2 Does the line socket have power?
3 Is the unit plugged in to the proper ac power source?
4 Is the mainframe turned on?
5 Is the rear-panel line switch set to on?
6 Will the mainframe power up without the plug-in module installed?
If the mainframe still does not power up, refer to the optional HP 83480A,
HP 54750A Service Guide or return the mainframe to a qualified service
department. Refer to the HP 83480A, HP 54750A User’s Guide for a com-
plete listing of HP Sales and Service Offices.
In Case of Difficulty
If the Plug-in Does Not Operate
If the Plug-in Does Not Operate
If the plug-in does not operate:
1 Make the following checks:
• Is the plug-in module firmly seated in the mainframe slot?
• Are the knurled screws at the bottom of the plug-in module finger-tight?
• If other equipment, cables, and connectors are being used with the plug-in
module, are they connected properly and operating correctly?
• Review the procedure for the test being performed when the problem ap-
peared. Are all the settings correct? Can the problem be reproduced?
• Are the connectors clean? Refer to the HP 83480A,HP 54750A User’s
Guide for more information about cleaning the connectors.
• Does the plug-in module work in the other two slots (1,2 or 3,4)?
2 Perform the following procedures:
• Make sure the instrument is ready to acquire data by pressing Run.
• Verify the pulse output is connected to channel 1 on the HP 83483A, 54751A
electrical plug-in module.
• Verify the trigger output is connected to the trigger input.
• Find any signals on the channel inputs by pressing Autoscale.
• Verify the HP 8133A pulse generator is set to:
Waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square wave
Amplitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 mV
Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 MHz
Trigger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 mV
Pulse/trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enabled
• See if any signals are present at the channel inputs by pressing:
Trigger, Sweep, freerun
After viewing the signal, press triggered.
In Case of Difficulty
If the Plug-in Does Not Operate
• Make sure Channel Display is on by pressing:
Channel, Display on off
• Make sure the channel offset is adjusted so the waveform is not clipped off
the display.
• If you are using the plug-in module only as a trigger source, make sure at
least one other channel is turned on.
If all of the channels are turned off, the mainframe will not trigger.
• Make sure the mainframe identifies the plug-in module by pressing:
Utility, System config...
The calibration status of the plug-in modules is listed near the bottom of the
display, in the box labeled "Plug-ins". If the model number of the plug-in
module is listed next to the appropriate slot number, then the mainframe
has identified the plug-in.
If "~known"is displayed, instead of the model number of the plug-in
module, remove and reinsert the plug-in module in the same slot. If
"~known" is still displayed, then the memory contents of the plug-in module
are corrupt. Refer to the service guide for the plug-in module or contact a
qualified service department. If all of the above steps check out okay, and
the plug-in module still does not operate properly, then the problem is
beyond the scope of this book. Refer to the plug-in module service guide or
return the plug-in to a qualified service department.
External Scale softkey, 1-7
+width key, 2-16
amplitude, 2-8
freerun softkey, 3-5
front panel, 1-4, 1-10
scale, 2-11
analog signal, 2-5
automatic measurement, 2-14, 2-16
Autoscale key, 2-8, 3-5
hardkey overview, 1-5
Help key, 2-18
bandwidth, 2-5
Bit Rate softkey, 1-8
Hysteresis softkey, 1-9
CAL Signal overview, 1-4
Calibrate softkey, 1-4
Cancel softkey, 1-9
Channel autoscale softkey, 2-11
Channel key, 2-9, 3-6
channel scale, 1-9
Clear display key, 1-5
Clr meas key, 2-17
connecting a signal, 2-7
continuous softkeys, 1-8
custom measurement, 2-15
IEC Publication 1010, iiv
input signal, 2-5, 2-8
description, 1-1
settings, 1-5
line voltage switch, 2-6
list softkeys, 1-9
Default setup softkey, 2-7
description of the instrument, 1-1
disk drive overview, 1-4
messages, 3-2
overview, 1-5
manual softkey, 2-14
Marker key, 2-14
measuring the signal, 2-14
Display softkey, 3-6
Done softkey, 1-7
duty cycle, 2-8
display, 1-6
key, 1-5
softkeys, 1-7
messages on display, 3-2
electrical plug-in module, 2-4, 2-9
Enter softkey, 1-9–1-10, 2-14
entry device overview, 1-4
milli key, 2-10
mode softkey, 2-14
modifying the setup, 2-9
time base scale, 1-9
toggle softkeys, 1-6
display, 2-8
level, 2-7
Trigger key, 1-5, 1-6, 3-5
turning on the instrument, 2-6
offset, 2-17
adjustment, 2-5
Offset softkey, 2-10
optical/electrical plug-in module, 2-4
plug-in module, 2-9
installing, 2-5
Position softkey, 1-8, 2-13
power cord, 2-6
Undo Autoscale key, 2-8
frequency, 2-7
generator, 2-4, 2-7
level, 2-7
V amptd key, 2-16
display, 2-8, 2-10
scale, 2-17
rear panel
connector, 2-6
line switch, 2-6
Reference softkey, 2-13
repetitive signals, 2-8
Run key, 1-5, 3-5
width measurement, 2-15
scale increments, 2-9
Scale softkey, 1-8, 2-9, 2-12
Setup key, 2-7
X1, Y1 Source softkey, 2-14
X1/X2 Position softkeys, 2-15
X2, Y2 Source softkey, 2-14
setup modification, 2-9
Shift key, 1-9
connection, 2-7
markers, 2-9
Y1/Y2 Position softkeys, 2-15
measurement, 2-14
single choice softkeys, 1-10
softkey overview, 1-6
square wave signal, 2-7
Sweep softkey, 1-6, 3-5
System configuration softkey, 3-6
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